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Youth Ministry Advisory Team

About the Team

The Youth Ministry Advisory Team serves to set and achieve goals for the implementation of comprehensive  youth ministry in the cluster of St Mary, St Columba, St Vincent.

The Youth Ministry Advisory Team is always open to new members, whether they be youth themselves, parents of youth, or interested parishioners of any age. If you are interested in joining, attend any upcoming meeting and let us know you'd like to join and you're in!

For dates of upcoming meetings or to talk about anything related to youth ministry, contact any member, or check with the youth minister.


Youth Ministry Philosophy and Goals

What is comprehensive youth ministry?  More than youth group.  Forming disciples beyond confirmation.  Integrating teens into the life of the parish liturgy, community and the wider world as followers of Jesus.


With that in mind, the youth minister, other staff, parent and parish volunteers and teens leaders put together a variety of activities to promote the growth of the teens as disciples.  There are three goals for this effort based on a document by the USCCB – Renewing the Vision (1997):

  • To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today.
  • To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
  • To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.


This includes a variety of components:

  • Advocacy
  • Catechesis
  • Community Life
  • Evangelization
  • Justice and Service
  • Leadership Development
  • Pastoral Care
  • Prayer and Worship


Goal 1: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today.

Ministry with adolescents helps young people learn what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to live as his disciples today, empowering them to serve others and to work toward a world built on the vision and values of the reign of God….

As a baptized member of the Church, Jesus Christ calls [youth] to follow in his footsteps and make a difference in the world today….

The challenge of discipleship—of following Jesus—is at the heart of the Church's mission. All ministry with adolescents must be directed toward presenting young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ and inviting and challenging them to become his disciples. For this reason, catechesis is an essential component of youth ministry and one that needs renewed emphasis. If we are to succeed, we must offer young people a spiritually challenging and world-shaping vision that meets their hunger for the chance to participate in a worthy adventure….

Growth in discipleship is not about offering a particular program; it is the goal of all our efforts.


Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.

Young people experience the Catholic community of faith at home, in the parish (especially in youth ministry programs), in Catholic schools, and in other organizations serving youth. Ministry with adolescents recognizes the importance of each of these faith communities in helping young people grow in faith as they experience life in community and actively participate in the mission of Jesus Christ and his Church.
The Family Community—the Church of the Home

… We believe that family life is sacred because family relationships confirm and deepen family members' union with God and allow God's Spirit to work through them. The profound and ordinary moments of daily life are the threads from which families can weave a pattern of holiness. … Adolescents need to experience the Catholic faith at home and participate in the Lord's mission with their families.

… One of the most important tasks for the Church today is to promote the faith growth of families by encouraging families to share, celebrate, and live their faith at home and in the world.

The Parish Community

…The parish community has a special role in promoting participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community.

First, parishes "should be a place where [young people] are welcomed, grow in Jesus Christ, and minister side by side with the adults of the community" (A Message to Youth). In parishes, young people should feel a sense of belonging and acceptance as full-fledged members of the community. …

Second, parishes "should have programs for [young people] that recognize [their] special talents and role in the life of the Church. [They] bring to the parish community youthfulness, energy, vitality, hopefulness, and vision" (ibid). In parishes, young people need to have a wide variety of opportunities to use their gifts and to express their faith through meaningful roles. …

Third, if parishes are to be worthy of the loyalty and active participation of youth, they will need to become "youth-friendly" communities in which youth have a conspicuous presence in parish life. These are parish communities that value young people—welcoming them into their midst; listening to them; responding to their needs; supporting them with prayer, time, facilities, and money. …In short, "youth-friendly" parish communities make a commitment to young people and their growth.

The Catholic School Community

… Catholic schools create a living faith community in which young people are empowered to utilize their gifts and talents and to live their faith through a variety of meaningful roles in the school, the parish, and in the Church at large. …

The Youth-Serving Organizational Community

Catholic leaders in certain youth-serving organizations, [i.e. scouts, CYO] both within and outside of parishes, have a unique opportunity of reaching Catholic adolescents and bringing them into communion with the greater Catholic community. …


Goal 3: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

Ministry with adolescents promotes the growth of healthy, competent, caring, and faith-filled Catholic young people. … Ministry with adolescents fosters positive adolescent development and growth in both Christian discipleship and Catholic identity….

Youth In Action


Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry and Liturgy: Colleen Trevisani

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Any emails I send to you, I will "cc" to mom, dad, or Irene Goodwin.

I will not call you or text you privately.